A tour of Europe in ten articles: that is the proposal of this book. The menu of this publication includes reviews of biomedical ethics, specificities of education, the most popular tourist destinations and the humanistic dimension of the Union. Written by experts (journalists, lecturers-researchers, lawyers, etc.), this study aims to serve as a tool to better tackle the European issues of today.

Yet, “today inevitably supposes a yesterday and a tomorrow”; hence the specific reflections on the genesis and background of the construction of Europe and the European project for future generations.

True to its educational vocation, the FEDE intends to demonstrate through the publication of this book that education and seduction are words that pair up very well.

This book aims to provide insights into the economic and social evolution of Man in Europe. It is a combination of economic, sociological, historical, political, legal and even communication skills. It offers the tools to understand Europe and Man’s role in its territory.


1.Genesis of European Construction
Europe before Europe: artists, images, ongoing perspectives
Sylvie Leray Burimi

2. Man and Religions
Religions in Europe
Jean Louis Bischoff

3. Man and Humanism
Values of the Union and Humanism
Jean Louis Bischoff

4. Man and His Rights
Europe and Human Rights
Max Brisson and Muriel Assouline

5. Man Protected by Ethics
Biomedical ethics in Europe
Alexandre Vallée and Jean Noël Vallée

6. Man and his health
Europe and public health policies
Alexandre Vallée and Jean Nöel Vallée

7. Man, Education, and Scientific Research
Education and Europe
Scientific Research in Europe
Alexandre Vallée and Jean Nöel Vallée

8. Man and Television
The importance of having a stronger public service television in Europe
Laurent Zerbib

9. Man and Digital Media
What European project for the Y/Z Generation ?
Boris Noyet

10. Man and Tourism
In depth analysis on the first touristic destination in the world
Denis Aubin

The co-authors:

Graduate of a Master’s Degree in law, Muriel Assouline is a jurist specialised in European Union Law. As an E-learning trainer, she familiarises students, among other subjects, with the geopolitics and the history of Europe, and with communitary competition law and the international institutions.

PhD in Philosophy (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études), Professor empowered and authorised to conduct and oversee research (University of Artois), he is a graduate of the Institute of Training for the Study and Teaching of Religions (IFER), and an associate researcher (Texts and cultures laboratory ‑ internal team “Literatures and cultures of childhood and youth / Robinson Center”) of the University of Artois.

Jean‑Louis Bischoff has always worked in the music, communication and entertainment industries: from the production of musical shows (Élysée Montmartre) to cinematographic productions (Max Linder), on to communication (Young Persons Card of the Secretariat of State for Youth and for Sport, as well as working with the city of Lille municipality and Francaise des Jeux (National French Gaming Organisation).

As a Professor of Philosophy in Higher Education, Jean‑Louis Bischoff, works at various art and luxury colleges and also at the Institut Supérieur de Pédagogie (ISP) (the Higher Institute of Teaching) in Paris. He lectures on the themes of creation and contemporary trends, and proposes research on the philosophy of religions, the reshaping of belief and the sacred in contemporary pop culture, the perception of trends, the philosophy of education and aesthetic philosophy.

Jean‑Louis Bischoff is Director of Research of the FEDE and Director of the Trends Division of the FEDE doctoral school.

Holder of an aggregation in History, Senior Government official, and author of several works, Max Brisson an internationally-recognised historian.

Holder of a Master of Arts degree in Art History (Univ. Lyon 3), Sylvie Le Ray-Burimi is Curator in Chief of Heritage Management. Chief of the Painting and Sculptures Department of the Cabinet of Graphic Arts and Photography and the Documentation Centre of the Museum of the Army, located in the Hotel des Invalides in Paris. She was the curator for the exhibition Napoléon III and Italy, Birth of a Nation, Representing the Great War, etc. She is a member of the French Committee of Art History, her recent publications are based on one part, the history of the Hotel des Invalides, of its architecture and its decors, and on another part, the artists and the artistic heritage in time of war but also on the representation of war and its actors.

Holder of a Master’s Degree in design and digital communication and of a Master’s Degree in the sciences of education. He is also Head of digital projects for the communication departments of companies.

Doctor of medicine, and a specialist in public health and health economics, and holder of a Master’s Degree in biomedical ethics, Alexandre Vallée is currently a PhD candidate in applied mathematics (CNRS Poitiers). He has taught and worked within the hospital context.

Doctor of Medicine (Necker University ‑ Paris V), a graduate winner of the Faculty of Medicine and Professor empowered and authorised to oversee research in Neurosciences. He also has a Ph.D. in physical sciences (Paris 13), is a graduate (3rd cycle) from the Faculty of Letters (Lyon 3), a graduate (2nd cycle) from the Institute of Business Administration (Lyon 3) and graduate of a Grande Ecole d’Ingénieur (Higher School of Engineering) (INSA Lyon).
He is a former intern and former assistant head of the Clinique des Hôpitaux de Paris.
Jean‑Noel Vallée is Director of the Innovation Division of the FEDE Doctoral School.

Graduate of the IEP, in charge of ethics and the code of ethics at France 5 (France Television Group), Laurent Zerbib teaches the history of television, the specificities of European broadcasting production in art and cultural engineering schools.


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