Extract from the conference by Alain TOBELEM, PhD, HDR, at the FEDE assembly in Paris

Reflexions on entrepreneurship in relation to globalization

Entrepreneurship must be rethought under the light of the process of globalization such as we live through and will live in the coming years.

I suggest a 3-dimensions reflexion:

  1. The worldwide economic playground is less and less fragmented, shattered in regional markets and in national economies.  It is tending toward becoming unique, with the same venue of exchanges for everyone and larger and larger numbers of actors having access in a global space where they are becoming more and more independent.
  2. We no longer have the choice of entrepreneurship; we are compelled to it.  We have perhaps not yet sufficiently realized but even in traditional jobs, managers no longer wait for you to exercise a function , there are no longer a fonction. Instead they want you to generate results that they buy, as if you were the consultants,serrvice providers or independent agents. The trends therefore is the transformation of all economic agents into entrepreneurs.
  3. Lastly, thanks to the Internet, customers and users are better and better informed.  Therefore they demand transparency, quality and price. Each actor is looking for professional excellence and targeting all technological performance indicators and contemporary knowledge wich is in constant development.  They should structure their life into learning periods or knowledge development and into periods of professional practice that will be distinct but in structuring in a manner of permanent learning i.e.  ‘d’apprendre depuis le berceau jusqu’à la tombe’. 1 (learning from crib to the coffin as the Coran said)

There are three-dimensions to this reflexion, which allow us to understand that we have before us a formidable need to train everyone, everywhere at all qualification levels:  we will have to cope with this using skill, imagination and creativity.

Here at FEDE, for all the members school, this situation creates consequences rich in innovative potential.  Indeed, we are those who must train the economic actors of today and tomorrow.  The new human resources which will leave our molds must have qualifications/skills, show innovative abilities and creativity; audacity in the face of risks; and managerial knowledge at all levels of the hierarchy of skills and knowledge.  The new knowledge must encompass a new humanism including the beauty in all those who manage, whether they manage themselves and/or others.

The important question posed henceforth here at FEDE is:

Train the pupils and students, our human resources that have or will have this profile to be able to act creatively, with humanism and beauty in their undertakings as entrepreneurs in their own lives, professional or otherwise. Finally, we should teach them how to  “create their job” instead of actually looking for a job.

Alain Tobelem, PhD, HDR – Qualified Personality of the FEDE*

*The qualified personalities of the FEDE are educational specialists. They provide expertise and advice on the FEDE’s methods of governance and strategy.