Hello Stéphanie, can you introduce yourself?
Yes, Stéphanie Nuss, I am director of the Artémys Group, which is situated in Metz, Nancy and Forbach. So, I run three business schools, which offer work-study training programs from Bac+3 to Bac+5 primarily in business, human resources and finance.

Today we are at the General Meeting of the FEDE. You are an elected member of the federation, what does the FEDE project mean to you, how do you promote it in your school and why adhere to the FEDE?
My school adhered to the FEDE a dozen years ago with a view of offering the FEDE diplomas, the DECP, the DEES, the masters to my students. At first, it was just a simple partnership in terms of diplomas and as the years passed I realized that the FEDE had also incorporated a network of schools, which allowed for an enormous exchange of information, creating links with other schools and the opportunity of exchanging information and regulations.

I think that the international project in your school is the heart of the teaching project?
Exactly, it is a project that requires an enormous amount of time we leave time to develop these thoughts. We realize today that it is necessary to go the international way especially for a business school therefore the FEDE network allows us to create links with foreign schools and envision partnerships with student and teacher exchanges as well as other means of development such as e-learning and others.

To conclude, a word about your students, what becomes of them, what is their future after Aetemys?
The students who have been in the school are satisfied both with the academic curriculum at the school and the FEDE diplomas. They are diplomas, which target above all the professional side with very complete teachings and this is equally an aspect, which interests companies, to be taught on the professional level instead of the relatively general side. The employability of our diplomas is good, even very good because in the work-study program the students are in companies for one year, two years with the masters so the students who are invested and prove themselves in the company during their studies are generally employed on a permanent basis.