The FEDE is participating in the annual conference of the IACBE

Claude Vivier Le Got, the Chairwoman of the FEDE is currently participating in the annual conference of the IACBE (International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education) in San Francisco – USA, themed “Celebrating Excellence in Business Education.” At the conference, Claude Vivier Le Got, Dennis N. Gash, President of IACBE, and Paul Malette, Director of European Operations and International Development (IACBE), will emphasise the solid and enduring links between these 2 international institutions which demonstrate a shared vision and joint actions in support of a model of progress and Excellence for Education on a global scale.

The FEDE is participating in the annual conference of the IACBE2023-02-23T15:30:58+01:00

A word from member schools…

Distance learning in 2017: en route to the 4th revolution: by Jean-Pierre Lehnisch - CEO of CNFDI, a FEDE network school. Distance learning has always been sensitive to the economic, social and psychological environment of the country in which it is practised. From 1850 to 1940, distance learning occupied a minority position in terms of the education system as a whole. However, very rapidly, distance learning had to adapt to the major global events that the world was experiencing. It has been marked by several revolutions. The 4th mutation is heralded and taking shape for 2017. Jean-Pierre Lehnisch, Ph.D. in Law, a distance learning expert and author of many publications (“Distance learning, law and practice” 1st doctoral thesis on distance learning; “Distance learning” Que sais-je / PUF Collection; “Distance learning [lire plus]

A word from member schools…2023-02-23T15:30:58+01:00
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