The Panel of Experts is pleased to welcome new member Jean-Jacques Urvoy. Designer, manager and psychoanalyst, Jean-Jacques Urvoy is a multitalented professional, firmly grounded in the contemporary business world.

Having initially studied engineering at the Ecole d’ingénierie et d’innovation textile, then management and finance at the l’Ecole des Dirigeants et des Créateurs d’Entreprise, Jean-Jacques Urvoy quickly developed a passion for marketing and communications.

After working in product launch management at Cartier International and strategy management at the design agency Carré Noir (Groupe Publicis), Jean-Jacques Urvoy soon began founding and managing his own agencies, including ProximityBBDO (formerly Le Clan Design). He also founded U/C Consultants, a research and operational analysis firm that brings together a team of brand experts and design and creative professionals.

Editor and author of a number of books published by Eyrolles (including Le Designer), Jean-Jacques Urvoy regularly speaks at creative and design academies.

A student of Jacques Alain Miller and Juan David Nasio, he also practises as a coach and psychoanalyst in Paris.

Like his colleagues on the Panel of Experts, Jean-Jacques Urvoy draws on his rich professional and business experience to further his ideals and reflect more broadly on innovation and development in the business world.