European Master’s: Company Lawyer (European and International Business Law Option)

Educational level: MASTERE EUROPEEN
Areas of excellence: Sécurité – Droit – Vie publique et institutionnelle

The European Master’s: Company Lawyer (European and International Business Law Option) focuses on practical skills that can be applied in a professional context. As legal specialists, company lawyers are in charge of defending and protecting the interests of their organisation. They work mostly on commercial contracts, litigation management and monitoring to ensure that the decisions and projects of a company’s managers comply with legislation. Company lawyers must advise the various departments of their company on the latest legal developments. They must therefore have solid legal sector monitoring skills. When working in an international context, company lawyers must also be able to communicate, negotiate and write in English. Company lawyers play a role in all commercial, financial and technical decisions, assess risk and strive to ensure the most advantageous legal scenarios for their company.