Michel Maffesoli : « In order to move forward you must lean solidly on the past »

The refusal to accept social constructions that are « against nature », abstract and rationalist is beginning to come to the fore. It is from this refusal that the need to found our togetherness on a shared sensitivity is born. The purpose of the last book (« Ecosophie » Edited by CERF) by Michel Maffesoli ,was to unearth the silent currents of thought that illustrate this proposal. In the interview below the professor Emeritus of the Sorbonne and member of the University Institute of France (Collège de France)   and honorary member of the committee of honour of the FEDE tells us more. What are the key arguments of your last work? I examine various ideas. The first is linked to the distinction between “progressist” and progressive; a progressive society is one which respects tradition [lire plus]

Michel Maffesoli : « In order to move forward you must lean solidly on the past »2023-02-23T15:30:53+01:00

François-Bernard Huyghe, a prolific author

FRANCOIS-BERNARD HUYGHE, A PROLIFIC AUTHOR As an author of 15 different works, François-Bernard Huyghe, a member of the honorary committee of the FEDE, has a very rich writing and editorial life. And the publications to  come? I have just published a work entitled « La Désinformation : les armes du faux » (édition Armand Colin) ( "Disinformation: The weapons of falsehood", published by Armand Colin), as well as revue 49 of the Medium entitled « Quelle guerre, quelle victoire » ("Which war, which  victory?"). Va Press will be publishing in April 2017 a book entitled, « Daech : l’arme de la communication », ("Isis, the Weapon of communication"). I am  also in the process of writing an enquiry baptised : La Post Vérité (édition Armand Colin) ("Post –Truth", published by [lire plus]

François-Bernard Huyghe, a prolific author2023-02-23T15:30:59+01:00

Focus on the latest Jean-Michel Quillardet news

FOCUS ON THE LATEST JEAN-MICHEL QUILLARDET NEWS A member of the scientific committee of the FEDE, Jean-Michel Quillardet, is a barrister at the Paris bar and vice-president of the commission on “Questions of society, and Human Rights Education”. This commission, working under the auspices of the National Consultative Commission of Human Rights, is an independent organisation, working in liaison with the Prime Minister’s office. Jean-Michel shares his news with us. What are your current publishing plans? I want to  give you  a sneak preview and tell you that I have finished a new book entitled “Pour un Humanisme Universel” (“In favour of a universal humanism”) (Editions Dervy). In it, I develop the argument that even if humanism is a notion and a reality that was born in Europe, it has [lire plus]

Focus on the latest Jean-Michel Quillardet news2023-02-23T15:30:59+01:00

Focus on the latest Ylljet Aliçka news

FOCUS ON THE LATEST YLLJET ALICKA NEWS A member of the scientific committee of the FEDE, Ylljet Aliçka, the ex-ambassador of Albania, based in Paris, lectures currently at the International University of Tirana. In the following interview he tells us more. In the course of 2017/2018 what will be the nature of, and the issues broached, in your teaching? The psychology of apprenticeships and the sciences of Education; the principal issue is to change people’s thinking and convictions, basically, to  wage war against the “inertia of the school today”. The evolution of societies affects education, from which arises a certain number of questions: What should we teach our children? And why? What could  education for citizens look like? These are the questions that I develop during my lectures throughout the [lire plus]

Focus on the latest Ylljet Aliçka news2023-02-23T15:31:00+01:00

Reflexions on entrepreneurship in relation to globalization – Alain TOBELEM, PhD, HDR

Extract from the conference by Alain TOBELEM, PhD, HDR, at the FEDE assembly in Paris Reflexions on entrepreneurship in relation to globalization Entrepreneurship must be rethought under the light of the process of globalization such as we live through and will live in the coming years. I suggest a 3-dimensions reflexion: The worldwide economic playground is less and less fragmented, shattered in regional markets and in national economies.  It is tending toward becoming unique, with the same venue of exchanges for everyone and larger and larger numbers of actors having access in a global space where they are becoming more and more independent. We no longer have the choice of entrepreneurship; we are compelled to it.  We have perhaps not yet sufficiently realized but even in traditional jobs, managers no longer wait [lire plus]

Reflexions on entrepreneurship in relation to globalization – Alain TOBELEM, PhD, HDR2023-02-23T15:36:01+01:00
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